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VMware Horizon 8: Deploy and Manage EDU-HDM8,


VMware Horizon 8: Bereitstellen und Verwalten ist ein fünftägiger Kombinationskurs von VMware Horizon 8: Kenntnisse für die Verwaltung virtueller Desktops und VMware Horizon 8: Infrastrukturverwaltung.

Dieser 5-Tages-Kurs vermittelt Ihnen die praktischen Fähigkeiten, virtuelle Desktops und Anwendungen über eine einzige virtuelle Desktop-Infrastrukturplattform bereitzustellen. Sie werden Ihre Fähigkeiten bei der Konfiguration und Verwaltung von VMware Horizon® 8 durch eine Kombination aus Vorlesung und praktischen Übungen erweitern. Sie lernen, wie Sie Pools virtueller Maschinen konfigurieren und bereitstellen und Endbenutzern eine angepasste Desktop-Umgebung bereitstellen. Darüber hinaus erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine virtuelle Desktop-Infrastrukturplattform installieren und konfigurieren. Sie erfahren, wie Sie VMware Horizon® Connection Server ™, VMware Unified Access Gateway ™ installieren und konfigurieren, einen Load Balancer für die Verwendung mit Horizon konfigurieren und die Cloud Pod-Architektur einrichten.


Technisches Personal, das in den IT-Abteilungen von Endkundenunternehmen tätig ist, und Personen, die für die Bereitstellung von Remote- oder virtuellen Desktopdiensten verantwortlich sind.

Diese Schulung gehört zu folgendem Bildungsweg:

Weitere Bildungswege entnehmen Sie bitte im Register "Weiterführende Kurse".


  • VMware-Infrastrukturfähigkeiten
  • Microsoft Windows-Systemadministrationserfahrung: Active Directory-Dienste, einschliesslich DNS, DHCP und Zeitsynchronisierung


1 Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

2 Introduction to VMware Horizon

  • Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon
  • Describe the conceptual and logical architecture of Horizon

3 Introduction to Use Case

  • Define a use case for your virtual desktop and application infrastructure
  • Convert customer requirements to use-case attributes

4 vSphere for Horizon 8

  • Explain basic virtualization concepts
  • Use VMware vSphere® Client™ to access your vCenter Server system and VMware ESXi™ hosts
  • Create, provision, and remove a virtual machine

5 VMware Horizon Desktops

  • Create a Windows and a Linux virtual machine using vSphere
  • Optimize and prepare Windows and Linux virtual machines to set up Horizon desktop VMs

6 VMware Horizon Agents

  • Outline the configuration choices when installing Horizon Agent on Windows and Linux virtual machines
  • Create a gold master for Windows Horizon desktops

7 VMware Horizon Pools

  • Identify the steps to set up a template for desktop pool deployment
  • List the steps to add desktops to the VMware Horizon® Connection Server™ inventory
  • Compare dedicated-assignment and floating-assignment pools
  • Outline the steps to create an automated pool
  • Define user entitlement
  • Explain the hierarchy of global, pool-level, and user-level policies

8 VMware Horizon Client Options

  • Describe the different clients and their benefits
  • Access Horizon desktop using various Horizon clients and HTML
  • Configure integrated printing, USB redirection, and the shared folders option
  • Configure session collaboration and media optimization for Microsoft Teams

9 Creating and Managing Instant-Clone Desktop Pools

  • List the advantages of instant clones
  • Explain the provisioning technology used for instant clone desktop pools
  • Set up an automated pool of instant clones
  • Push updated images to instant clone desktop pools

10 Creating RDS Desktop and Application Pools

  • Explain the difference between an RDS desktop pool and an automated pool
  • Compare and contrast an RDS session host pool, a farm, and an application pool
  • Create an RDS desktop pool and an application pool
  • Access RDS desktops and application from Horizon Client
  • Use the instant clone technology to automate the build-out of RDSH farms
  • Configure load-balancing for RDSHs on a farm

11 Monitoring VMware Horizon

  • Monitor the status of the Horizon components using the Horizon Administrator console dashboard
  • Monitor desktop sessions using the HelpDesk tool

12 Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

13 Horizon Connection Server

  • Recognize VMware Horizon reference architecture
  • Identify the Horizon Connection Server supported features
  • Identify the recommended system requirements for Horizon Connection Server
  • Configure the Horizon event database
  • Outline the steps for the initial configuration of Horizon Connection Server
  • Discuss the ADAM database as a critical component of Horizon Connection Server installation

14 VMware Horizon Authentication and Certificates

  • Compare the authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports
  • Describe the Smartcard authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports
  • Outline the steps to create a Horizon administrator and custom roles
  • Describe the roles available in a Horizon environment
  • Explain the role that certificates play for Horizon Connection Server
  • Install and configure certificates for Horizon Connection Server
  • Install and configure True SSO in a Horizon environment

15 Workspace ONE Access & Virtual Application Management

  • Recognize the features and benefits of Workspace ONE Access
  • Recognize the Workspace ONE Access console features
  • Explain identity management in Workspace ONE Access
  • Explain access management in Workspace ONE Access
  • Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration
  • Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration
  • Deploy virtual applications with Workspace services

16 VMware Horizon Performance and Scalability

  • Describe the purpose of a replica connection server
  • Explain how multiple Horizon Connection Server instances in a pod maintain synchronization
  • Describe the 3D rendering options available in Horizon 8
  • List the steps to configure graphics cards for use in a Horizon environment
  • Configure a load balancer for use in a Horizon environment
  • Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture LDAP replication and VIPA
  • Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture scalability options

17 Managing VMware Horizon Security

  • Explain concepts relevant to secure Horizon connections
  • Describe how to restrict Horizon connections.
  • Discuss the benefits of using Unified Access Gateway
  • List the two-factor authentication options that are supported by Unified Access Gateway
  • List Unified Access Gateway firewall rules
  • Describe the situation in which you might deploy Unified Access Gateway instances with one, two, or three network interfaces


  • VMware Certified Professional – Desktop and Mobility 2021 (VCP-DTM).

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